MATLAB: How to change a parameter during a plot

plot syms variable change step function vectorisation

I would like to plot a function but change a value part way through the plot, specifically in the code below, for values of (x<M) I would like to set R = RL and for values of (x>M) I would like to set R = RR. Any help appreciated. Thanks
x = 0:0.01:2;
M = 1;
R = 2;
LR = 0.25;
RL = (0.5 / LR) * R;
RR = (0.5 / (1 - LR)) * R;
y = exp(-(4* * *R* * .^2*(log(2))*(M - x).^2)/(M.^2));
grid on

Best Answer

x = 0:0.01:2;
M = 1;
R = 2;
LR = 0.25;
RL = (0.5 / LR) * R;
RR = (0.5 / (1 - LR)) * R;
xL = x(x<M);
xR = x(x>=M);
y(x<M) = exp(-(4*RL.^2.*(log(2)).*(M - xL).^2)/(M.^2));
y(x>=M) = exp(-(4*RR.^2.*(log(2)).*(M - xR).^2)/(M.^2));
grid on
I also removed all the * in your function, not sure if there are supposed to be constants there or something.