MATLAB: How to change a FOTRAN code into a MATLAB code


To convert, followings are some steps i applied :
1. Download and extract f2matlab into your computer
2. In matlab, go to the folder in which you extract f2matlab
3. In matlab command, put >> f2matlab('myfortran.f');
During conversion I have following errors
>> f2matlab('mmm.f'); %the filte mmm.f in desktop
| f2matlab — Ben Barrowes, Barrowes Consulting |
Error using fscanf
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to
generate a valid file identifier.
Error in f2matlab (line 212)
I searched internet but did not find answer how to solve my problem. Can anyone tell me how to solve this error Message in MATLAB .

Best Answer

It shows there's somthing wrong when open the file. Please check
is not equal to -1 and ensure that your fortran file is in the same path of your matlab file.