MATLAB: How to change a file from .mexw64 to .m

.m.mexw64changing format

Hi all! I want to add the function pixelIdxlistsn into my pathway, but the function I was given is in the .mexw64 format. I tried to add that in but matlab does not seem to read it. Thus, I tried to change it to .m by just changing the name and that does not work too. What will be a good way for me to add this function? Thank you!

Best Answer

A .mexw64 file is compiled machine code for a Windows 64-bit setup. So it must be used by a 64-bit MATLAB version running under Windows. To run it, you simply need to place the pixelldxlistsn.mexw64 file into the current directory or into any directory that is on the MATLAB path. You cannot simply change the .mexw64 extension to .m, since .m files are text files with m-code in them (which is NOT what is in a mexw64 file). Mex files are sometimes version specific, so in some cases you may need to run a particular mexw64 file using the same version of MATLAB that it was compiled with. Also, you generally can't de-compile the mexw64 file into an m-file.