MATLAB: How to cascade N-port S-parameters using the RF Toolbox

RF Toolbox

I have a .s3p file with 3-port S-parameters that I would like to cascade into a network with 2-port S-parameters. I am unable to figure out how to put them together in the RF Toolbox.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2007b (R2007b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The ability to cascade N-port S-parameters is not available in RF Toolbox. RF Toolbox only supports cascading of two port networks only.
However, RF Toolbox does allow reading and writing of N-port data files, but any analysis routines of this data must be provided by the user.
The following is an example of writing and reading N-port S-parameter files.
h.NetworkData.Freq = [1;2]*1e9
h.NetworkData.Data = cat(3,rand(nports,nports)+j*rand(nports,nports),rand(nports,nports)+j*rand(nports,nports))
write(h,['test.s' num2str(nports) 'p'])
h2=read(rfckt.passive, ['test.s' num2str(nports) 'p'])