MATLAB: How to capture video from webcam in MATLAB

image processingMATLAB

vid = videoinput('winvideo',1, 'YUY2_320x240');
set(vid, 'FramesPerTrigger', Inf);
set(vid, 'ReturnedColorspace', 'rgb');
% vid.FrameRate =30;
vid.FrameGrabInterval = 1; % distance between captured frames
aviObject = avifile('myVideo.avi'); % Create a new AVI file

for iFrame = 1:100 % Capture 100 frames
% ...

% You would capture a single image I from your webcam here
% ...
F = im2frame(I); % Convert I to a movie frame
aviObject = addframe(aviObject,F); % Add the frame to the AVI file
aviObject = close(aviObject); % Close the AVI file
For this code I'm getting error saying
Error using avi
Unexpected Error. Reason: Failed to open file.
Error in avifile (line 175)
aviobj.FileHandle = avi('open',filename);
Error in capture_vid (line 11)
aviObject = avifile('myVideo.avi'); % Create a new AVI file
My matlab version is R2012a
Videos captured from my webcam are stored with .mp4 format. Please help me to capture videos from webcam using MATLAB code. Thank u

Best Answer

Use VideoWriter instead of avifile() unless you are using a version of MATLAB before R2010b.
Also watch out for the possibility that you are not in a directory that you have write access to. The directory when you start up MATLAB is often a directory where MATLAB is installed instead of being a user directory that you can write to.
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