MATLAB: How to cancel same pole-zero pair for Z-function

cancel the same pole-zero pair for z-function

With matlab, How to cancel the same pole-zero pair for Z-function , for example : minreal for s-function?

Best Answer

The minreal function works with discrete systems.
Example —
n = [1 -9 26 -24];
d = [1 -12 41 -42];
tfs = tf(n,d);
[ps,zs] = pzmap(tfs)
rs = minreal(tfs)
tfz = tf(n, d, 0.1)
[pz1,zz1] = pzmap(tfz)
rz = minreal(tfz)
For the continuous system:
rs =
s - 4
s - 7
and for the discrete system:
rz =
z - 4
z - 7
In both, it cancels the poles-zeros at 2 and 3.