MATLAB: How to call the popup element

Image Processing Toolboxselect the type of registration using gui

Dear all, I am trying to build a GUI in order to register two gray scale images using the 'imregister' function.
We have three types of registration: 1) Affine; 2) similarity; 3) Rigid.
I want the user to select the desired registration method from a pop-up menu and then click the push button to register.
My call back code at the pop-up menu is as follows:
handles = guidata (hObject);
contents = get(hObject, 'Value');
switch contents
case 1
Z = 'affine';
case 2
Z = 'similarity';
case 3
Z = 'rigid';
handles.Z = Z;
guidata(hObject, handles);
And in the pushbutton I want to call Z to make the desired type of registration. I wrote the following code which is not correct:
Z = handles.Z; % to import Z to this pushbutton function
movingRegistered = imregister (Moving, Fixed, 'Z', optimizer, metric);
I want Z to be affine or similarity or rigid, based on ones desired selection.
I will appreciate any help.

Best Answer

handles.Z is already a string, so you don't want to wrap Z in single quotes, just put Z with no quotes.
movingRegistered = imregister (Moving, Fixed, Z, optimizer, metric);