MATLAB: How to call m-file in block simulink model??

pdes m-filesimulink

i have written the m-file to solve numerically a system of 4 partial differential equations which represent the infrared food dryer, and i have gotten result from that. the m-file that i wrote for this system has 4 function, one is for initial conditions of the equations, one is for the boundary conditions of the equations , one function is for main factors of the equations and last function gather all these functions and sole the equations. now , i want to connect a controller to this dryer in order to control the temperature of the emitter, so i need to put the m-file solution of the PDEs in the block simulink in order to connect with the controller block. i used s-function and matlab function to do that, but i got errors and i couldn't get result from that.

Best Answer

I think you are doing something wrong. I've been using m-files in Simulink to avoid the extra work of block-building what I have in a m-file, and some times it gets tricky, but if done with care, it should work. Since you do not give more info on how you are doing what you are doing, I can not help you out more. Check that your functions are in the proper directory and rightly linked.