MATLAB: How to call a struct name from variables stored in a cell array in a loop

loopsMATLABstruct names

Greetings all:
So I have three structs named method1, method2, and method3. I also have a cell array (named structNames) that contains the name of the structs. The problem is that I get an error (that reads "Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object") when I try to extract the content of the structs in a for loop. Is there a way around this: Here is a sample code:
structNames = {method1,method2,method3};
method1.mean = 3;
method2.mean = 4;
method3.mean = 5;
meanSum = 0;
for m = 1:length(structNames)
meanExtract = structNames{m}.mean;
meanSum = meanSum + meanExtract;

Best Answer

I don't think people would really recommend that approach, but here is one way to solve it using the hated eval() function:
method1.mean = 30;
method2.mean = 40;
method3.mean = 50;
method4.mean = 60;
method5.mean = 70; % Whatever....
structNames = {'method1','method2','method3'}; % List of structs we want to use now.
thisSum = 0;
for m = 1:length(structNames)
commandString = sprintf('%s.mean', structNames{m})
thisMean = eval(commandString)
thisSum = thisSum + thisMean
meanSum = thisSum / length(structNames)