MATLAB: How to call a function with multiple output argumnts

function argumnet

how to call this function
function [RHist,GHist,BHist]= RGBHistInter(imData);
RHist = [];
GHist = [];
BHist = [];
%extract Red
[Rcounts,x] = imhist(imData(:,:,1),16);
Rtotalpixels = sum(Rcounts);
for j = 1:size(x)
RHist = [RHist Rcounts(j)/Rtotalpixels];
%extract Green
[Gcounts,x] = imhist(imData(:,:,2),16);
Gtotalpixels = sum(Gcounts);
for j = 1:size(x)
GHist = [GHist Gcounts(j)/Gtotalpixels];
%extract Blue
[Bcounts,x] = imhist(imData(:,:,3),16);
Btotalpixels = sum(Bcounts);
for j = 1:size(x)
BHist = [BHist Bcounts(j)/Btotalpixels];

Best Answer

From the command line:
[RHist,GHist,BHist]= RGBHistInter(imData);
You just have to save the function RGBHistInter.m in a folder on the MATLAB path. Or, better yet, save it in a folder that you add to the MATLAB path with
>>addpath 'c:\thisisthepath'
or using
For example, suppose you have a folder called c:\mfiles
>>addpath 'c:\mfiles'
Save the function .m file in that folder and then if you enter
>>which RGBHistInter
you'll see that MATLAB recognizes the function.