MATLAB: How to call a function properly.

2d plotcall functionfuncion

I want to take a function file and call it into my script. I have this function:
function ff = fCW()
F = @(f,Re) 2*log10(Re*sqrt(f))-0.8-(1/sqrt(f));
Re = linspace(1e4,1e7,6);
ff = zeros(size(Re));
for k = 1:length(Re)
ff(k) = fzero( @(f) F(f,Re(k)), 0.05 );
And I want to call it into this script file:
clear all, close all
Re1=linspace(1e+4,1e+7,6); NRe1=length(Re1);
fB = zeros(size(Re1)); fSJ = fB;
for i=1:NRe1
I want to plot(Re, fCW, Re1, fSJ, Re1, fB).
Is there an easy way to do this?

Best Answer

Did you run it as you posted? Did it work?
If all the relevant vector pairs have the same lengths: (Re,fCW), (Re1,fSJ), (Re1,fB), the plot call should work as you wrote it.