MATLAB: How to calculate the entropy of a grayscale image.


Hi can you help me to calculate the entropy of a grayscale image using Matlab? Here I've shown below the code that I tried. The code was working but I got the value of the entropy of my image as 'NaN'. So, please help me to find the entropy value of a grayscale image correctly.
I = imread('152.bmp');
x = entropy(I);
%functionH = MyEntropy(x);
[Height,Width] = size(x);
m = m/(Height*Width);
sprintf('the sum of the histogram value is = %g',sum(m));
xlabel('pixel value'),ylabel('relative count')
H = sum(-m.*log2(m));
sprintf('the entropy of the image is = %g',H)

Best Answer

Hi Ishara,
It looks like you are trying to find the height, width, and histogram using the entropy value you found. Maybe try:
[Height,Width] = size(I);
[m,Binsx] = imhist(I);