MATLAB: How to calculate the distance between a set of points and a single point within a matrix


I need to calculate the euclidean distance between a set of points on a matrix, and one other point in the same matrix. I and J are 9×1 vectors, where I represents the "x" and J represents "y" coordinates of a set of 9 points. "rows" and "columns" are the x and y coordinates of a single point. I have the following code:
for g=1:length(I)
for f=2
distance_between_points = sqrt((x2 - rows)^2 + (y2 - columns)^2);
I obtain a single value from this, where I should be getting a distance value between each point represented by I,J,and the point represent by (rows, columns). I've tried pdist2 and I get ~30 values which makes a little less sense. Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

If x and y are the vectors of all the coordinates, and xp and xp are the coordinates of the single point, then you can find all the distances between (xp, yp) and all the other points doing this:
distances = sqrt((x-xp).^2 + (y-yp).^2);
No for loop(s) needed.
By the way, don't confuse x with rows and y with columns like you did in your code. x is columns, not rows. y is rows, not columns. Arrays are indexed m(y, x) and NOT as m(x,y)!