MATLAB: How to calculate the distance between 2 matrix (without counting the number of 255)


A = 255 0 135
91 255 255
3 21 255
B = 11 0 135
91 21 97
3 21 218
E_distance = sqrt(sum((A-B).^2)); E_distance = 375
But I want to get the E_distance = 0. When the number is 255, don't need to calculate the distance between 2 matrix (direct skip). A & B become:
A = 0 135
3 21
B = 0 135
3 21
When apply E_distance can get 0.
How to do? Please help me. Thanks

Best Answer

A = [255 0 135
91 255 255
3 21 255] ;
B = [11 0 135
91 21 97
3 21 218] ;
A0 = A ;
A(A0==255) = [] ;
B(A0==255) = [] ;
E_distance = sqrt(sum((A-B).^2));