MATLAB: How to calculate the coefficients in equations


Sorry if my question is too basic. I just started using MALTAB and I was wondering how can I solve these four coefficients (a-d) with the following four equations:
1) 20=(13a)*((0.2)^b)*((34)^c)*((0.2)^d)
2) 33=(12a)*((0.32)^b)*((34)^c)*((0.2)^d)
3) 12=(9a)*((0.32)^b)*((34)^c)*((0.1)^d)
4) 20=(13a)*((0.2)^b)*((34)^c)*((0.2)^d)
Thanks !

Best Answer

I would start by taking the log of each of these equations, which will give you linear equations in (a,b,c,d).
Then I would follow one of the techniques for solving linear system discussed on this documentation page.
However, I also notice that your equation (1) and (4) are the same, so it looks like you have an underdetermined system.