MATLAB: How to calculate roots of the transcendental equation , -K_n*gtan(K_n)= 5, where n= 1,2 ,3,4….g=gavity=9.81

-k_n*gtan(k_n)= 5234find the roots of the transcendental equationg=gavity=9.81where n= 1

Please help to find the roots of the transcendental equation , -K_n*gtan(K_n)= 5, where n= 1,2 ,3,4…., g=gavity=9.81. I have calculte but getting wrong result. Is this is possible to find roots with Newton_Raphson Method

Best Answer

N = 20;
w = sqrt(5);
g = 9.81;
f = @(x) w^2 + g*x.*tan(x);
for i = 1:N
x0 = [(2*i-1)*pi/2+0.1, (2*i+1)*pi/2-0.1];
y(i) = fzero(f,x0);
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