MATLAB: How to calculate PMF with the random numbers I generated

MATLABminpmfprobabilityrandom number generator

So there are two dice, the first being X1 and the second being X2, that are rolled 1,000,000 times. I'm trying to find the PMF of the minimum number in each role, meaning for each number (1 through 6) what is the probability that number will be the smallest number rolled between the two dice. I know how to generate the random numbers and have used the min function to create a 1×1,000,000 matrix containing the smallest number of each role. Is there a pmf function that I can use on this matrix and, if so, how do I use it and plot it?

Best Answer

The PMF is the number of times each value was obtained, divided by the total number of rolls, right?
I think you should be able to use the histcounts function, with the
name-value pair as an input parameter.
For example,
x = [1 2 2 3 3 4];
pmf = histcounts(x,[unique(x) Inf],'Normalization','probability')
You could then use bar or histogram to plot it.