MATLAB: How to Calculate Moving Product

MATLABmoving product

Is there any vectorized way of calculating moving products. If A is a vector, how can I calculate its moving product with a specified window size.
For example, for a window size of 3, the moving product should be equal to:
[A(3)*A(2)*A(1), A(4)*A(3)*A(2), A(5)*A(4)*A(3), …, A(N)*A(N-1)*A(N-2)]
How do I calculate it without using a for loop. I know that the 'filter' function can be used for calculating moving means in a vectorized manner; but I have not seen any function that can calculate a moving product.
Can someone please help. Thanks.

Best Answer

The function movprod was added in 17a. There's also a list of similar functions here which are included in MATLAB, like movsum and movmax.
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