MATLAB: How to calculate euclidean distance for 3 vectors using matlab

how to calculate euclidean distance using matlab for 3 vectors

Say suppose I have 83*3 matrix in an excel sheet and similarly I have 600 sheets with 83*3 matrix/data those vectors are x,y,z and I need to calculate distance between first and second data set/excel sheet date, second and third,third and fourth …till 600
some one help to solve using MATLAB code

Best Answer

You can find the Euclidean distance between two vectors v1 and v2 using norm:
distance = norm(v1-v2);
I don't know how you are importing the sheets, so let's just look at two sheets, with your initial matrix being sheet0 and the other sheets being numbered 1, 2, ...
(Edited to correct error)
sheetdiff = sheet1-sheet0;
npoints = size(sheet0,1);
distance = zeros(npoints,1);
for I = 1:npoints
distance(I) = norm(sheetdiff(I,:));
Now you'll have to put this inside another loop where you look at one sheet at a time.