MATLAB: How to calculate averaged values from 5-min interval values

average hourly minute-intervalMATLAB

Hello guys.
I have the following question : I have observations for temperature in 5-minute interval, from 1/1/2015 to 31/1/2015 (8928 rows in total). From these data I must extract the hourly average value for temperature, which means that eventually I must have 24 hourly averaged values.
I would appreciate any ideas on the matter!
PS. I have attached the excel file I'm working on. Please note that the format of time appears diferently on Matlab.

Best Answer

Using for loops is a very straightforward way that this can be done:
x = yourData; %your data
size1 = length(x)/12;
size2 = 24;
sub1 = ones(size1,1); % intermediate matrix for averaging every hour
for n = 1:size1 % 8928/12 = 744
sub1(n) = mean(x(12*(n-1)+1 : (12*n))); % averages every 12 values to average every hour
hourlyVals = ones(size2 , 1); % 744/31 = 24
for n = 1:size2
hourlyVals(n) = mean(sub1(n:24:size1)); % calculate average of each hour across every day.
*edited to fix issue brought up in comments*