MATLAB: How to calculate 8760 data just in one process

i need urgent help

Hello dear friends. Hope you all fine. I use Matlab for my thesis and i need help. I have Excel file that have 8760 different number in a column. I have to put each of this number ın a same formula but its difficult to put each number and have to repeat the process 8760 time.
Help me how to enter this excle file and how to code just one process instead of 8760 time process in matlab.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

this is easy:
1) Use xlsread to import the data to Matlab:
E = xlsread('PV.xlsx');
2) Define your constant values - for example:
I_ref_sc = 10;
E_ref = 1000;
mu_I_sc = 0.5;
T = 22.6;
T_ref = 20;
3) Write an anonymus function which is vectorized:
I_sc = @(E) I_ref_sc.*E./E_ref + mu_I_sc*(T-T_ref);
4. Calculate the result:
result = I_sc(E);
Thats all - the result is as big as E - in this case 8760x1
Best regards