MATLAB: How to built time delay network for time series prediction

Deep Learning Toolboxtimedelaynet

Hi all
I have input p 5×101 cell and target t 1×101 cell. I want to use timedelaynet function to predict this time series. I write this script:
net = timedelaynet(1:8,10);
[Ps,Pi,Ai,Ts] = preparets(net,p,t);
The following error occurred:
Error using preparets (line 161) The number of input signals does not match network's non-feedback inputs.
Error in TimeSeriesPreduction (line 9)
[Ps,Pi,Ai,Ts] = preparets(net,p,t);

Best Answer

The created net does not know it is going to have a 5-dimensional input.
Therefore, tell it by using CONFIGURE (help/doc) .
view(net) % Checking
Hope this helps.
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