MATLAB: How to built a 3D binary volume array from set of X,Y,Z coordinates

3d volume array

Best Answer

Still not 100% sure what you are looking for, but you said you want to display your scattered points as a solid, so that leads me to believe this would be a step in the right direction.
%%Your points
%%3d grid
%%3d boundary
tri = delaunayn([x y z]);
%%find points inside of 3d boundary
tn = tsearchn([x y z], tri, [X(:) Y(:) Z(:)]);
IsInside = ~isnan(tn)
%%build volumetric image
You can change the image resolution by adjusting the number of points in your grid. Even with a step-size of one unit, the code runs very slow.
Here's a faster way to look at your data as a shell
The left figure displays a shell and the right figure displays a slice of the stacked image I.