MATLAB: How to build neaural network with given input and weight matrix

MATLABneural networksoftmax

Basically, I have input data matrix and weight matrix. this neural network has only one hidden layer, 4 output layer. Using softmax function to get output value. Input layer can be any number
My question is how to build neural network in matlab(hidden layer value, output) with given input data and weight matrix? is there any specific function related with calculation of hidden layer value and softmax in matlab?

Best Answer

% Use the help and doc commands for definitions with examples
close all, clear all, clc
[x,t] = iris_dataset;
net1 = patternnet;
[net1 tr1 y1 e1] = train(net1,x,t);
WB1 = getwb(net1);
net2 = configure(patternnet,x,t);
net2 = setwb(net2,WB1);
y2 = net2(x);
isequal(y2,y1) % ans = 1
Hope this helps.
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