MATLAB: How to avoid inf value while feature extracting in Matlab

feature extractionsignal processing

I’m trying to extract features from some EEG signals. One of the trails in my for loop creates inf value and emd doesn’t accept it so it causes an error! Would you please tell me how I can fix it?! Thanks a lot in advance.
s = 1;
for i = LabelLeft
SignalL = SignalMean(H.TRIG(i)+fs:H.TRIG(i)+(3*fs)-1,1);
SignalLeft{s,:} = emd(SignalL,'MAXMODES',4);
s = s+1;
clear SignalL

Best Answer

Fill this inf's either using fillgaps or fillmissing. REad about those functions. Or, remove them getting the indices of inf using isinf.