MATLAB: How to avoid generating extra sheets in a loop while using “writetable” function

extra sheetsMATLABtablewritetable

Here is the code:
Year=[1993 2003 2011 2015]
for an=1:4
Inputfile= xlsread(Inputfile,num2str(Year(an)));
It results in an excel file which has three extra sheets at the beginning (sheet1, sheet2, sheet3) and then (1993,2003,2011,2015).
Here is the question: how to avoid generating extra and empty sheets.
Thank you.

Best Answer

Hi Abolfazl,
Unfortunately there is no easy way to use "writetable" function itself to change this behavior. You may consider the following:
1. You can first use the writetable 'sheet' option with index instead of the sheet names, which would write your data in 'sheet1', 'sheet2', 'sheet3' and 'sheet4'. Then use the solution from this post to change the name into the years using actxserver.
2. You can also keep your current workflow and try to remove the extra sheets by using the solution from this post with actxserver.