MATLAB: How to avoid an algebraic loop error message in Simulink 6.3 (R14SP3) when using an Integer Delay block in a feedback loop

My model contains a feedback loop with frame-based signals, and I want to delay the frame signal for one time step. Consequently, I use the Integer Delay block from Simulink's Discrete library to achieve this purpose. But when I start my simulation, I receive the following error message:
Cannot solve algebraic loop involving 'new_example_frame/Integer Delay' because it consists of blocks that cannot be assigned algebraic variables, i.e., blocks with discrete-valued outputs, blocks with non-double or complex outputs, Stateflow blocks, or nonvirtual subsystems.

Best Answer

The ability to use an Integer Delay block in a feedback loop to break an algebraic loop involving frame-based signals is not available in Simulink.
As a workaround, try using the Delay Line block from the Signal Management/Buffers library of Signal Processing Blockset.