MATLAB: How to average every n files in a cell array

averagecell arrays

Hi.I'm really new to matlab. I have about 1,000 cells in my cell array. How to, instead of taking average across all cells, take average every 4 cells. That is, instead of 1 output cell, I should have 1,000/4 cells. Below is what I have so far. The output (DaySMAv) from this is a single cell from averaging all cells in DATA, which is not what I want.
DATA = cat(3,data{:}); DaySMAv = mean(DATA,3);

Best Answer

DATA = cat(3, data{:});
siz = size(DATA);
DATA = reshape(DATA, siz(1), siz(2), 4, []);
DaySMAv = squeeze(mean(DATA, 3));