MATLAB: How to automize removal of NaN’s for a structure


Hello! I have some NaN's in my structure, and have tried various things but what I've gotten to work, in order to change them to zero is the following:
CL.i0(isnan(CL.i0)) = 0;
CL.i1(isnan(CL.i1)) = 0;
CL.i2(isnan(CL.i2)) = 0;
CD.i0(isnan(CD.i0)) = 0;
CD.i1(isnan(CD.i1)) = 0;
CD.i2(isnan(CD.i2)) = 0;
CM.i0(isnan(CM.i0)) = 0;
CM.i1(isnan(CM.i1)) = 0;
CM.i2(isnan(CM.i2)) = 0;
Is there any way to change this to automize it for future code?
Thanks in advance guys.

Best Answer

In restricted cases where the structure fields are guaranteed to be simple data types, then you can use much smaller code.
structfun(@(F) fillmissing(F, 'constant', 0), CL, 'uniform', 0)