MATLAB: How to automatically run a MatLab Script when I start the simulation in simulink


I have a simulink model and it uses a bunch of variables. I also have a script that sets initial values for the variables. I currently run the script before I start my simulation by typing "run scriptname" at the MatLab prompt (or by righ clicking the script file and selecting "run"). I would like this script to automatically run when I start my simulations. I've read the documentation on callbacks in the model properties dialog. I have placed the callback under the StartFcn callback (I've tried just putting the script name, both with and without the .m suffix. )…It didn't run. I've tried it in the InitFcn callback. I've tried loading it in the PreLoadFcn callback. Nothing seems to cause it to run. Does anyone know how to use these callbacks or how I would run a .m file prior to starting my simulation (besides doing it by hand and typing it in at the MatLab prompt?

Best Answer

Use the InitFcn callback.
If you want the M-script to run every time you run the simulation, InitFcn is the right one.