MATLAB: How to auto tune pid parameters in a closed loop control system when an adams plant exist in the model

co-simulationpid autotuneSimulink Control Design

when i want to autotune PID parameters in a closedloop control system that it's Plant is an ADAMS/viwe plant , I have a problem : linearization failed: The plant model in the PID loop linearizes to zero, and therefore cannot be used in PID controller design. This problem occurs when one or more blocks in the PID loop have zero gain or the feedback loop is not physically closed. Click "Continue" to launch the PID Tuner and obtain a new plant model in the "Obtain plant model" dialog. Click "Cancel" to return to the PID Controller block dialog. how can i solve it?

Best Answer

The PID tuner works by linearizing Simulink model first, and then finding PID coefficients for the resulting linear model. What is apparently happening in your case is that ADAMS plant model linearizes to zero, due to the way this block was implemented by its authors (it is most likely an s-function block).
What you can do is use simulation-based method of finding model's frequency response, instead of analytic llinearization. This is shown in detail in this demo, so just see if this workflow would work.
Also, there is a web page we put together with a lot of useful information on PID control with MATLAB and Simulink. There might be something useful there as well.
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