MATLAB: How to associate a rectangle with a struct


Hi there Community,
I have the folllowing image and the antenna:
[Horizontal,Vertical,Optional] = msiread(strcat(pathName,fileName));
How can I associate a rectangle to an antenna?
I made the rectangle using:
rectangle('Position', [(x - handles.Rwidth/2) (y - handles.Rwidth/2)...
handles.Rwidth handles.Rheight], 'FaceColor', 'g','LineStyle', 'none');
Is it possible to affect the rectangule with the struct (antenna)?

Best Answer

rgb = imread(filename) ;
mask = rgb(:, 1) < 32 & rgb(:, 2) > 224 & rgb(:, 3) > 224;
mask = bwareafilt(mask, [50 inf]);
props = regionprops(mask, 'centroid') ;
locations = vertcat(props.Centroid);
The constants in the above are not tested, only "by eye", and probably need to be adjusted.
The resulting variable will be a something by 2 array in which the first column is x and the second is y. Note that x corresponds to columns, second array index, and y corresponds to row, first index.