MATLAB: How to assign parts of one structure to another efficiently


I have a structure, 'D', which contains 'name'. I would like to assign certain parts of this struct to another struct in an efficient manner. What I have now (which works) is the following:
j = 0;
for i = 1:length(D)
if ( m_u(i) ~= 0 )
j = j + 1;
temp(j).name = D(i).name;
In this code, the contents of '' are assigned to '' if a vector component is not zero. Is there a more efficient way to do this?

Best Answer

% Sample struct
x = struct('name',cellstr(('A':'I').'))
% sample index (your mu_i)
idx = rand(9,1)>0.5
% extract
[y(1:nnz(idx)).name] = deal(x(idx).name)