MATLAB: How to assign index to array

Database ToolboxstatisticsStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I have data and want to assign the index to the data as below:
Input data:
col1 col2 col3 col4
1 3 4 9
3 5 5 7
4 6 11 7
0 3 7 2
I want to assign the index as the size of the data, here the size(rows) of the data is 4, then I want to add a column to assign the serial number as below:
Modified data(added 5th column):
1 3 4 9 1
3 5 5 7 2
4 6 11 7 3
0 3 7 2 4

Best Answer

>> M(:,end+1) = reshape( [1:size(M,1)], [],1 );
>> M
M =
1 3 4 9 1
3 5 5 7 2
4 6 11 7 3
0 3 7 2 4
reshape may be replace by a blip
>> M(:,end+1) = [1:size(M,1)]';