MATLAB: How to assign different values to different variables input by the user

user interface

prompt = 'Enter data: ';
title = 'Data input';
dlg_ans = inputdlg(prompt,title,[1 100]);
data = str2num(dlg_ans{:});
In the above program, the user is allowed to enter as many values as he wish. So how can i assign these different values to different variables automatically as they enter each value?

Best Answer

Dijesh, you could use the eval command:
prompt = 'Enter data: ';
title = 'Data input';
dlg_ans = inputdlg(prompt,title,[1 100]);
data = str2num(dlg_ans{:});
for ii=1:numel(data)
eval(sprintf('data%d = %f\n', ii, data(ii)));
However, as pointed out in one of your other questions I'd recommend against this approach. See this answer for reference.