MATLAB: How to ascribe a variable to a cell

accessing datacell arrayMATLAB

First of all thanks for reading this and trying to help 🙂
I am struggling with "attaching" my script to functions written by (many) others.
For that I need to take data out of a text file. In the function (not mine) the data later gets accessed using the command: soilstructure(1).thickness
I have tried with a table and a cell array and attributed the name 'thickness' to the last column, but it wont accept it as index, at least not using the above command… The error message reads: Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object.
Here is what I have so far:
layer = readtable('soil.txt',…
'Delimiter',' ','ReadVariableNames',false);
soilstructure = table2cell(layer,
'VariableNames',{'type' 'radius' 'G' 'nu' 'rho' 'damping' 'thickness'});
x = soilstructure(1).thickness %why can't it access the data???
The table looks as follows:
soilstructure =
4×7 cell array
'L' [0] [6.8322e+06] [0.4900] [1840] [0.0500] [ 15]
'L' [0] [6.9898e+06] [0.4900] [1840] [0.0500] [ 15]
'L' [0] [2.5479e+07] [0.4900] [1840] [0.0500] [ 85]
'H' [0] [3.3425e+07] [0.4900] [1840] [0.0500] [NaN]
Thank you so much for your help

Best Answer

The proper way to access it would be( see Accessing cell array for better understanding):
x = soilstructure{:,7} % but I don’t see your point of converting it to a cell from table but anyhow..
But if you want it to be treated as the way it was this is how I would do it:
remove soilstructure and replace it with (the reason for your error was it was a cell and you were treating it as a struct) the below , treats the data as a table as it was imported as a table
layer.Properties.VariableNames={'type'.... rest the same
layer.thickness % this will access the thickness column