MATLAB: How to arrange and input the data for a time series problem

neural network inputs data prediciton energy

I have data for 62 households. I have 9 parameters (eg. floor area, number of occupants, income etc) and the dependent variable is energy consumption (kWh). I know energy consumption of the houses every hour (for a 24 hour period) and want to build a neural network model to predict energy consumption over a 24 hour period for other houses based on parameter inputs (test set).
Do I suppose: inputs = 9 x 62 matrix (ie. 9 variables and 62 cases) target = 24 x 62 matrix (ie. the energy consumption every 24 hours for the 62 houses observed)
What neural network is better suited – time series or fitting a function (or other)?
If anyone can help a MATLAB virgin I would be grateful!
Thanks in advance.
Regards, David

Best Answer

This is a fitting problem.
help fitnet
doc fitnet
greg fitnet {;>)
Hope this helps