MATLAB: How to apply Region Growing function on DICOM images

dicomdigital image processingimage analysisimage processingimage segmentation

Hi all
I have a DICOM file (128*128*16) consisted of 16 sequencial images. I want to apply Region Growing function ( a function created by Dirk-Jan Kroon for segmenting by growing a region from seed point using intensity mean measure) on my set of images (n=16). I am getting this error every time i try to run this function:
Error using images.internal.imageDisplayValidateParams>validateCData (line 115)
Multi-plane image inputs must be RGB images of size MxNx3.
Error in images.internal.imageDisplayValidateParams (line 27)
common_args.CData = validateCData(common_args.CData,image_type);
Error in images.internal.imageDisplayParseInputs (line 78)
common_args = images.internal.imageDisplayValidateParams(common_args);
Error in imshow (line 246)
Error in regiongrowing (line 29)
if(exist('y','var')==0), figure, imshow(I,[]); [y,x]=getpts; y=round(y(1)); x=round(x(1)); end
Error in Untitled1111 (line 3)
J = regiongrowing(I);
After i saved Region Growing script, i used this code to call the Region Growing function:
I = im2double(squeeze(dicomread('MUGA.dcm')));
figure, imshow(I,[]);
J = regiongrowing(I);
figure, imshow(I,[]+J);
The function can be found in this link:
Can you please tell what should be the problem ?

Best Answer

Hi, it seems that the regiongrowing() function can only handle images of size MxNx3. Where as your DICOM file has a dimension of MxNx16.
When I tried calling the same function with a DICOM image of size MxNx3, it ran without any error.
Therefore, please try calling the same with image of maximum size MxNx3.
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