MATLAB: How to apply recursion

image processingMATLABmatrix arraymatrix manipulationprogramming

I am trying to use recursion to apply region growing but I have got an error: Out of memory. The likely cause is an infinite recursion within the program.
I am posting the code snippet here,Can somebody point out the error and make suggestions.Thank you.
Here,Ig is the grayscale image with intensities to check
i is column vector containing x-coordinates of seed pixels
j is column vector containing y-coordinates of seed pixels
threshold is column vector containing threshold values for seed pixels
reg_output is the final logical array output after region growing ,
visited is a matrix used to prevent redundant computations using recursion,
global reg_output;
reg_output = zeros(size(Ig));
global visited;
visited = zeros(size(Ig));
global row;
global col;
row = [-1;-1;-1;0;0;1;1;1];
col = [-1;0;1;-1;1;-1;0;1];
global si;
global sj;
[si,sj] = size(Ig);
for ll = 1:length(i)
function region_grow(m,n,t)
global reg_output;
global visited;
global Ig;
global row;
global col;
global si;
global sj;
reg_output(m,n) = 1;
visited(m,n) = 1;
for kc = 1:length(row)
i = m+row(kc);
j = n+col(kc);
if i>=1 && i<=si && j>=1 && j<=sj
if visited(i,j)==0 && Ig(i,j)>= t

Best Answer

Recursion is rarely an efficient coding method and I wouldn't be surprised if you hit the default recursion limit on some large images.
As we've commented global variables are an absolute no-no. They make understanding the code extremely hard and there are always cleaner alternatives.
The first (and only!) comment in your code states that it is for growing region around low intensity pixels, yet your algorithm look for pixels above a given threshold, hence look for high intensity pixels. So your (only!) comment is misleading. Note that code without comments is just as useless as code with globals.
If I understood your algorithm correctly, this is how I would code it:
function neighbours = region_grow(img, startrow, startcol, threshold, connectivity)
%find all the neighbouring pixels above the given threshold around a start pixel
%img: a 2D greyscale image, of size MxN
%startrow: row coordinate of start pixel. Must be a positive scalar <= M
%startcol: column coordinate of start pixel. Must be a positive scalar <= N
%threshold: minimum intensity of neighbouring pixel for it to be included in the neighbourhood. Scalar
%connectivy: either 4 for othogonal connectivity or 8 for orthogonal and diagonal
%neighbours: logical matrix of size MxN where 1 indicates a pixel in the neighbourhood of the start pixel
abovethreshold = img >= threshold; %find all pixels above threshold, wherever they are
labels = bwlabel(abovethreshold, connectivity); %label all connected pixels with the same ID
startid = labels(startrow, startcol); %label associated with start pixel
if startid == 0
%a label of 0 is the background which means the start pixel intensity is below the threshold!
neighbours = false(size(img));
neighbours(startrow, startcol) = true; %then region is just that pixel
neighbours = labels == startid; %get all pixels connected to the startpixel, which are the ones with the same label.
And the calling code would be:
%better variable names than i, j, ll required!
reg_output = false(size(Ig));
for ll = 1:numel(i)
reg_output = reg_output | region_grow(Ig, i(ll), j(ll), threshold(ll), 8);