MATLAB: How to apply highpass, lowpass or bandpass filtering according to the paramaters

digital signal processingsignal processing

I have to apply filtering to a discrete time function.
Input signal is n-by-1 vector. Sampling frequency is also given in Hz. In addition, lower bound and upper bound of the frequency components in Hz that we want to pass through are given. According to these variables I need to decide which type of filtering to apply. How can I understand which one of the lowpass,highpass or bandpass is going to be applied to the input signal.
I appreciate any help, thank you very much…

Best Answer

What are the lower and upper bounds? If the lower bound is 0 and the upper bound is some frequency less than the 1/2 the sampling frequency, that is lowpass, if the lower bound is some frequency greater than 0 and the upper bound is 1/2 the sampling frequency, that is highpass. If the lower and upper bound are greater than 0 and less than 1/2 the sampling frequency, that is bandpass.