MATLAB: How to apply exponential anonymous function to NxN matrices

anonymous functionMATLAB

I have 2 NxN matrices (a and b) that I need to perform an operation on. Ideally I'd like to use an anonymous function to compute this elementwise all at once.
So far I have,
syms t
a = rand(32,32);
b = rand(32,32);
Y = @(a,b) a.*exp(-t./b);
Test = integral(Y(a,b),0,3);

Best Answer

The symbolic involvement is not necessary.
Try this:
a = rand(32,32);
b = rand(32,32);
Y = @(a,b,t) a.*exp(-t./b);
Test = integral(@(t)Y(a,b,t),0,3, 'ArrayValued',1);
Tha 'ArrayValued' name-value pair is important here.