MATLAB: How to apply exponential and logarithmic curve fitting

curve fittingexponential fittingfitfittypelog fittingmodelfunnlinfit

I have some scatterplots and I want to check the relationships between the variables which resemble exponential and logarithmic functions. I have tried to use the functions
but so far not successfully (poor fitting or code not working at all).
How can I check the curves for the above scatters which seem to have the following functions:
y= a*exp(b*x)+c and y=log_a(x)+b
in matlab?

Best Answer

The nlinfit function requires that the first argument of the objective function is the parameter vector and the second the vector of independent variables. Using anonymous functions,
y = a*exp(b*x)+c
y = @(B,x) B(1).*exp(B(2).*x) + B(3); % B(1) = a, B(2) = b, B(3) = c
For the logarithmic fit, all logs to various bases are simply scaled by a constant. Consider:
a^y = b^x
Taking the log to base a (denoted by loga()) of both sides gives:
y = x*loga(b)
so the log to any base will work.
The anonymous function for your logarithmic regression is then:
y = @(B,x) log(x) + B; % B = b
or alternatively,
y = @(B,x) B(1).*log(x) + B(2);
Those should work with nlinfit.
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