MATLAB: How to apply “axis equal” to only two directions while visualizing volume data

axis equalvolume dataz axis

I am trying to use "slice" function to plot volume data. And the x- and y-axis need to be scaled equally, but the z-axis need not. However, the "axis equal" command will influence every axis. Is there a way to change that

Best Answer

I haven't really used 'axis equal' much but it is just a convenience function. The help documentation actually gives details of which properties change for the various axis styles.
In this case it says that 'DataAspectRatio' is set to [1 1 1] and PlotBoxAspectRatio to [3 4 4].
To be honest the latter setting is a bit of a mystery to me, but the first you could just set yourself to always be the same for x and y while leaving z independent. PlotBoxAspectRatio just affects the relative length of the various axes though, not their domain values.