MATLAB: How to append the same variables on mat file

appendmatnot overwrite

I need help on how to update the same variables of an exisitng mat file and alhough there are couple threads online on the subject, I still haven't found solution to the problem.
I run different instantiations of my script, which always loads the same mat file and I need my variables (of the different instantiations) to be saved in the mat file in a new row. In other words with every instantioantion of my scirpt I need a new row to me added in my mat file. How do I do this seemingly simple task? Thanks.
m = matfile(filename,'Writable',isWritable)

Best Answer

After you have created m = matfile() then
new_row_of_values = something appropriate;
s = size(m, 'my_variables');
m.my_variables(s+1, :) = new_row_of_values;
Do not just use
m.my_variables(end+1, :) = new_row_of_values; %avoid this
as apparently using "end" forces the entire variable to be loaded into memory.