MATLAB: How to append a row vector to the variable

loopsMATLABrow vectorsave-variable

Hello everyone,
I would like to get row vectors that created with loop to the 1 variable. How can I figure out?
I got data like below but could'nt get add another rows for each iterations to same variable
2.1618652 0 0 1.1779785 0 0 0 5.1105957 0 0 0 0 0 0.11596680 0 0 0 0.74658203
there, I mean I already have row data that I get every iterations. But I would like to create variable and to put that row data to the next row of the variable.
Many thanks for your supports.

Best Answer

Add them into the cell and later you can reshape to what you want. Read about Cells
Get the size of the array if row is one it is a row vector.