MATLAB: How to append a new cell onto the end of a Cell Array

cellcell arraysMATLAB

Lets say I have a cell array C, with 1 column of different sized sub arrays (Example below)
C = {1×3 Cell};
{1×5 Cell};
{1×6 Cell};
Now lets say I have a new Cell F, and I want to append it to the end of Cell Array C.
F = {1×8 Cell};
I want to add F to C such that C looks like as follows:
C = {1×3 Cell};
{1×5 Cell};
{1×6 Cell};
{1×8 Cell}; % <— This is Cell F
I want to do this to add new cells to the end of a primary cell array, without the need for loops. Is there any way to do this simply? I found a workaround by using length(CellArray) for the index position, but was hoping there would be an append() function or something.

Best Answer

If F really is a cell array in the format you list, then just
C(end+1) = F;
If not, then you may have to do this:
C(end+1) = {F};
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