MATLAB: How to align multiple matrices based on the first column values


Here is an example
A = [1,4;2,6;2,7;3,5;3,6;5,2];
B = [2,5;4,6;4,7;5,3];
I want the output to be like (3 columns): (combining the 2nd column of A and B based on their 1st column values)
1 4 Na
2 6 5
2 7 5
3 5 Na
3 6 Na
4 Na 6
4 Na 7
5 2 3
But in reality I have more than 2 datasets that I want to reorganize and combine like the example showing before. Thanks

Best Answer

The simplest way is convert your matrices to a table, which may make sense anyway considering that it looks like the columns of your matrices have different meaning. Then simply outerjoin the two tables. e.g:
A = [1,4;2,6;2,7;3,5;3,6;5,2];
B = [2,5;4,6;4,7;5,3];
tA = array2table(A, 'VariableNames', {'Key', 'ValA'});
tB = array2table(B, 'VariableNames', {'Key', 'ValB'});
tC = outerjoin(tA, tB, 'MergeKeys', true)
For multiple tables, repeat the join in a loop.