MATLAB: How to adjust the tick size of errorbar in a plot


How did you obtain those error bars? There may be an option to configure their appearance when creating them, or you can always find the relevant line objects and alter them. The latter can be a bit annoying to do in logscale though.

Best Answer

(continuing from comments under your question...)
err = 8*ones(size(y)); errorbar(x,y,err)
So the error bars don't represent error in your data; they just represent the a value of +/- 8 in log space. Log(8) = 2.08 and you'll notice that your error bars stretch from +/- 2.08 along the y axis from the data points. This is what errorbar() does when you enter a vector of error values (see below).
>> help errorbar
errorbar Plot error bars along curve
errorbar(Y,E) plots Y and draws a vertical error bar at each element of
Y. The error bar is a distance of E(i) above and below the curve so
that each bar is symmetric and 2*E(i) long.
To shrink your error bars, you just need to decrease your "error" value from 8 to something smaller. Just realize that your error bars do not represent error or anything meaningful at all if you're just deceitfully choosing a value to make the bars smaller and anyone viewing the data should be aware of that.