MATLAB: How to adjust the radius of a pie chart


I would like to specify the radius of a pie chart relative to the figure window.
Currently if the figure window is re-sized with the mouse the pie chart within automatically adjusts to fill the window.

Best Answer

The ability to specify the radius of a pie chart is not available in MATLAB.
As a workaround, you can adjust the size and position of the axis containing the pie chart and get a similar effect. The code below demonstrates how this can be done.
close all; clc;
pieData = [10 20 30 40 50]; % Size of pie slices
pieHandle = pie(pieData); % Get vector of handles to graphics objects
pieAxis = get(pieHandle(1), 'Parent');
pieAxisPosition = get(pieAxis, 'Position');
newRadius = 0.50; % Change the radius of the pie chart
deltaXpos = 0.2; % Move axis position left or right
deltaYpos = 0.2; % Move axis position up or down
hText = text(-1.7, -1.4, 'PRESS ANY KEY TO ADJUST THE RADIUS');
% Compute newPieAxisPosition
% To keep the axis centered (Xpos, Ypos) also need to be adjusted.
% Position is a four-element vector: [left bottom width height]
% Translate (left, right) by (deltaXpos, deltaYpos) and Scale (width, height) by newRadius.
newPieAxisPosition = (pieAxisPosition + [deltaXpos deltaYpos 0 0]) .* [1 1 newRadius newRadius];
set(pieAxis, 'Position', newPieAxisPosition); % Set pieAxis to new position
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