MATLAB: How to add values to a column based on time column and its own column


What I'm trying to do is add values to a column based on two conditions. I want to locate the time value based on a value in a different column from the same row. Then I want to continue that value from the different column for the next x minutes that I decide on. I'm not really sure how to be phrasing what I would like so I think it's better if I give what I have now and what I would like to achieve.
My current timetable named E has two columns that look like the 10.44.48 Screen Shot
What I want is to replace the 0 with a 2 in the Interval column for any rows after the current 2 for the next, let's say, 3 minutes following the first 2 value in the Interval column. So I'd end up with the 10.47.08 Screen Shot
I want to be able to add the 2 by just relying on the initial interval value, so that I don't have to search for the time values in my data set for all the different interval values I have. My data set will not necessarily have rows separated by one minute intervals which is why I need to specify the time value as well.
I've been using variables like E.Time to specify my columns.
Please help!

Best Answer

If your screen shot example is really all you want to do, then it's this:
i = find(tt.Interval > 0);
tt.Interval(i:end) = tt.Interval(i);
But I'm guessing there's more to what you are asking, and your screen shots don't even match your description. You may be asking for this:
i = find(tt.Interval > 0);
tr = timerange(tt.Time(i),tt.Time(i)+minutes(3);
tt(tr,:).Interval = tt.Interval(i);